
Hi friend!

I’m Sarah Miller.

I grew up in Washington state near Mount Rainier. I enjoyed my childhood, and my love for nature and art was undoubtedly nurtured by all the beauty surrounding me. I remember my favorite thing to do all my childhood was to draw and paint the seasonal beauty we experienced.

There was such vibrant color everywhere. I was deeply in love with our mountains, trees, and flowers. They are the serene inspiration for my art, my interior design style, and my life.

As I grew up, my love for art grew immensely. After high school, I got an interior design accreditation in art and interior design. My journey to becoming a professional designer was full of amazing people, luscious colors, gorgeous interior decor, inspirational interiors, stylish decorating, and fascinating stories.

In my career as an interior designer, I bring creativity, energy, styling, and balanced guidance to my clients through my eclectic design consulting. I help those who want their personal space, modern farmhouse, workspace, and gardens to reflect their personality and purpose.

With a strong knowledge of architectural decor and color schemes for innovations in the architecture industry, I guide those who want to select unique home decor and perfect decor elements for their home. My love for popular interior design styles is my guiding force to help all those moms, women, and folks who want their homes to look beautiful on a budget while keeping things practical.

I pour my heart into my contemporary design projects with an eye on the latest trends, color palette collections, and styles. My experience from a child playing with drawings to a professional that infuses design best practices into her clients’ lives has been so fulfilling.

If you need change and want inspiration, sign up for my newsletter. My newsletter will show you a glimpse behind the scenes of my interior decorating projects, the latest design news, furnishings, wall decor ideas, and moments of seasonal beauty. Thank you so much for visiting my blog, Blue Bombay.

